The information contained in this podcast and on the Pandemic Parenting website are intended for educational purposes only. Nothing discussed in this podcast or provided on the website are intended to be a substitute for professional psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please note that no doctor-patient relationship is formed between the hosts or guests of this podcast and listeners. If you need the qualified advice of a mental health or medical provider, please seek one in your area.

Best of Pandemic Parenting: Looking Back & Moving Forward
In our final episode of the Pandemic Parenting Podcast, Dr. Amanda Zelechoski and Dr. Lindsay Malloy revisit some of the best advice, stories, and research findings our guest experts have shared over the past two years.
While these “best moments” are from conversations centered around the pandemic experience, these insights will be ones we carry with us as we enter new challenges in parenting our children through every stage of their lives.

Generation COVID Pt.2: Childbirth and Parent Mental Health
In this episode, we’re focusing on childbirth and parent mental health. Dr. Amanda Zelechoski interviews Dr. Sharon Dekel and three parents. Together they discuss the pandemic impact on child birthing experiences, the increase in traumatic child births, and the overall mental health challenges new parents have faced in these uncertain times.

Generation COVID Pt.1: Pregnancy, Fertility Treatments, and Infant Development
This is the first part of a two-part series about pregnant and postpartum parents. Dr. Amanda Zelechoski talks with Dr. Ezra Aydin about the impact of the pandemic on parents, pregnancies, and infant development. We’ll also hear from four parents about their journeys through fertility treatments, pregnancies, and caring for a Generation COVID newborn.

A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Research
We’re back! This season, we’re diving into the newly published research about the impacts of COVID-19 on children, parents, and families. Along the way, we’ll talk with the researchers who conducted these studies and identify key insights we can incorporate into our lives right now.
But before we review the research, we want to set the stage. How do we, as parents, understand the science behind articles, videos, and social media posts where we find this information?

Dealing with Postpartum Depression & Anxiety (Bonus)
While we get ready for season two, take a listen to this bonus episode where Dr. Lindsay Malloy and Dr. Amanda Zelechoski discuss postpartum depression and anxiety and reflect on their own experiences recognizing and coping with PPD/PPA.

Parenting Perspectives: Raising Children with Disabilities
This episode is the first in a two-part series examining the intersection between parenting and disability. Dr. Amanda Zelechoski and our producer Carmen Vincent talk with Jennifer, a mother of an 8-year old and a 4-year-old who, in her words, happens to have nonverbal autism; and Nisha, a mother of twin 7-year-olds and a 3-year-old who is battling a complex congenital heart disease.

Mental Health for Parents with Dr. Christina Grange
Parenting, mental health, and how to handle “jalapeño moments.”
Dr. Christina Grange returns to discuss the unique challenges parents are facing in the pandemic that impact their mental health. As a researcher and a clinician, Dr. Grange shares preliminary insights from her studies of mental health in non-traditional families, as well as advice on identifying and requesting the support you need from your village or a mental health professional.

Grief & Growth Go Hand In Hand
Co-founders of Pandemic Parenting, Dr. Amanda Zelechoski and Dr. Lindsay Malloy, share some of the best research and advice they’ve held onto during the COVID-19 pandemic. They discuss how their mindsets have changed to embrace “good enough” parenting and how we can acknowledge the loss of the past year and the growth that comes hand-in-hand with it.