10 Things Dads Need to Hear
There’s no doubt that the pandemic has had an impact on you, dads. But, now more than ever, we know how important you are to your kids and your family.
Whether you’re looking for advice now or are saving it for a rainy day, check out these words of wisdom from our experts to help you be the most confident, authentic, and loving father you can be.
When you need help connecting with your child
“The crucial thing about attachment is that the underlying dimension is a dimension of trust.”
- Dr. Michael Lamb, The Pandemic Parenting Podcast Guest Expert
When you need to be true to yourself
“It’s important, if we’re talking about fathers, for men to feel they can be authentically themselves with their children.” - Dr. Michael Lamb, The Pandemic Parenting Podcast Guest Expert
When you need to know you’re not alone
- Dr. Earl Turner, The Pandemic Parenting Podcast Guest Expert
When you need to hear that “good enough” is great
“It’s hard, if not impossible, to be the ‘super parent’ right now.”
- Dr. Lindsay Malloy, Pandemic Parenting Co-Founder
When you need to know that you’re enough
“For a long time, there was a focus on the need for fathers to demonstrate masculine behavior that put a pressure on some fathers. What we know is much more important is authenticity and the ability to share emotions, to be able to show the child who you are, what you are, what you care about, and what makes you passionately in love with that child.” - Dr. Michael Lamb, The Pandemic Parenting Podcast Guest Expert
When you need to get back to basics
“The core needs for your kids right now is that they feel loved and they feel safe.”
- Dr. Bruce Perry, Pandemic Parenting Exchange Guest Expert
When you need a friendly reminder
“Kids are looking to their grown-ups for help regulating their emotions.”
- Dr. Amanda Zelechoski, Pandemic Parenting Co-Founder
When you need advice on how you can help, even in the toughest of times
“Parents are not the cause of mental health problems. They are, actually, the medicine.”
- Dr. Julian Ford, The Pandemic Parenting Podcast Guest Expert
When you don’t feel perfect (but, really, who does?)
“We're doing our best and so are our kids right now.”
- Dr. Lindsay Malloy, Pandemic Parenting Co-Founder
When you need perspective
- Dr. Michael Lamb, The Pandemic Parenting Podcast Guest Expert
One last gift before you go. Check out our ~10 minutes Quick Self-Care for Busy Dads playlist on YouTube: a carefully curated collection of the most helpful, bite-sized bits of self-care, advice, and reassurance from our co-founders and many of our guest experts throughout the last year.
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