The information contained in this podcast and on the Pandemic Parenting website are intended for educational purposes only. Nothing discussed in this podcast or provided on the website are intended to be a substitute for professional psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please note that no doctor-patient relationship is formed between the hosts or guests of this podcast and listeners. If you need the qualified advice of a mental health or medical provider, please seek one in your area.

Best of Pandemic Parenting: Looking Back & Moving Forward
In our final episode of the Pandemic Parenting Podcast, Dr. Amanda Zelechoski and Dr. Lindsay Malloy revisit some of the best advice, stories, and research findings our guest experts have shared over the past two years.
While these “best moments” are from conversations centered around the pandemic experience, these insights will be ones we carry with us as we enter new challenges in parenting our children through every stage of their lives.

Continuing to Make Decisions in the Time of COVID-19
Dr. Lindsay Malloy and Dr. Amanda Zelechoski revisit and update their August 2020 conversation about why making decisions during the pandemic has been so hard. Although the answers will be different for every family and we can’t tell you what the right decision is for you, there are several concepts, resources, and research studies in psychology that can help us navigate these tough, ongoing decisions.

Green Time and Spaces: Why Being Outdoors Matters for Your Family
In this episode, Dr. Lindsay Malloy talks with Dr. Genevieve Dunton, a psychologist who studies physical activity and nutrition, and Dr. Mariela Alfonzo, an urban design and behavior researcher, to understand how the time we spend in green spaces impacts our mental, physical, and social wellbeing.